Chicago Mosaic School

Чикагская школа мозаики

    The Chicago Mosaic School is a school with a 14-year history. Currently, she offers dozens of mosaic classes and workshops held throughout the year.

In 2004, Karen Ami began teaching classes on mosaics out of a small storefront in Lake View. At the time she opened the unassuming school, located just across the street from the artist’s house, no other arts organization in town, including the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, gave lessons on the medium.

The Chicago native quickly established her initiative as a nonprofit arts center and named it the Chicago Mosaic School — the only one of its kind in the United States. It attracted so many students that Ami eventually moved to a larger space in North Center.

Now, 14 years later, CMS has found yet another new and much larger home — 1127 W. Granville Ave. in Edgewater, just a stone’s throw away from the Red Line. It occupies the first two floors of a recently finished building named the Cochran, which is mostly filled with rental apartments.

Enrollment is open for its dozens of classes, which range from intro-level courses to intensive stained glass lessons to classes on ancient techniques. The school also welcomes students of all ages and hosts youth and family workshops.

Ami invites visiting mosaicists from around the world to teach unique seminars throughout the year. .  

And while its main focus is mosaics, CMS offers a broad range of creative opportunities: Teachers lead classes on sculpture, figure drawing, frame making, and more.

Passersby can peer through the Cochran’s glass facade to glimpse the school’s Gallery of Contemporary Mosaics, which hosts temporary exhibitions of artworks by students and faculty. Currently on view is the inaugural show, DEBUT, which opened on July 13th with mosaics by 15 contemporary artists from around the world.

In addition to its airy gallery and main studio, CMS houses 11 artist studios as well as the city’s only mosaic-tools shop, Tiny Pieces.

The CMS expansion not only signals the arrival of more robust programming but also reflects what some mosaic artists see as changing public perceptions toward this ancient art form.

In preparing the article used information from the site

Chicago Mosaic School

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