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Virtual mosaic symposium

The virtual mosaic symposium finished on its virtual Facebook page. The theme of the symposium was dedicated to the personality of Giordano Bruno, a great Italian scientist and naturalist. Mosaic review provides a brief overview of this mosaic world event.

For four years now, in sunny Sardinia, the famous Italian mosaic artist Giulio Menossi together with his partners from Sardinia, have been holding an international mosaic symposium, in which many artists from all over the world took part.

The virus pandemic made adjustments to the organization of symposium this year and the organizers decided to create an online symposium. The symposium was held on the basis of a specially created Facebook page.

Initially, the idea of ​​the symposium was an attempt to experiment with the creative synergy of artists who have their own unique styles and methods of creating mosaics, united under the same workshop’s roof. Despite the independence of the creative concepts of mosaic artists, the contemplation of the methods and techniques of their colleagues led to a new understanding of mosaics, the convergence of these styles.


The virtual symposium did not discard this idea. The principal fact was that the artists from the very beginning of the symposium posted on the Facebook page photos of their works from the initial, when for the most part only the basis for the mosaic and the minimal finished details were visible.


The progress in creating mosaics could be seen on the symposium page. Due to the large number of artists wishing to participate in the symposium, it had to be held in two stages. Ultimately, photos of the mosaic created by the artists were posted in the final post on the page.


Mosaic review magazine asked the organizer of the symposium, Giulio Menossi, to tell us about the idea of ​​a virtual symposium and comment on its results. Giulio kindly agreed to tell us about the symposium:

Maryse-Derboven -
Maryse Derboven – “Desire urges me on, while fear bridals”

“- Sometimes our intelligent life is interrupted by moments when we act spontaneously, impulsively, when some insignificant detail, an elusive hint gives an impetus to our behavior. Then our heart commands us. Our dreams come true and unexpected miracles happen. This virtual mosaic symposium was born that way.

For me it was a leap into the unknown, in a vacuum, without safety cable, without a detailed study. In the distance I saw only colors, shapes, ideas and an endless field for creativity.


It seems to me that we are opening now a lot of perspectives for self-expression for many mosaic artists, which is especially important at this difficult moment for all the inhabitants of the earth. Those who are oppressed by circumstances, uncertainty, we give the opportunity to fly up to their dreams.


I am very grateful to all the artists from all five continents who accepted my offer to participate in a virtual mosaic symposium, to everyone who joined us in our flight!


In the process of joint creation, it was possible to combine and cross common fantasies and words, different languages ​​and time zones, various materials for mosaics and an unsurpassed color palette.


I am very happy that our joint work with all the mosaic artists was not in vain and found a wide response among mosaic lovers. In the 30 days that the mosaic symposium lasted, the number of spectators interested in the event exceeded 60,000.


Now that this amazing adventure is over, I would like to share my dream with you. I would like to see these mosaics created in the process of a virtual symposium, in the real exhibition, so that you can touch them with your hands and feel their full beauty.


Who does not know how to dream, flight is inaccessible to him! But we are all here. And we are ready to fly!

Well, if we talk about the project of the virtual symposium more pragmatically, I can tell you a little about the technical details and thoughts that led to its implementation.


For many years my friends in Sardinia and I have been holding a mosaic symposium in Ploaghe. This time, realizing the impossibility of holding such a symposium in a global pandemic, we were preoccupied with the idea of ​​how we could continue our mission of popularizing mosaics in such difficult conditions.


Eventually, the idea to hold a virtual mosaic symposium prevailed, since it is a new form of conducting a mosaic event, it is completely safe and is a new and original idea for the entire mosaic world.


We decided to try, take a chance. And we took a chance. The concept of the symposium was developed within a few hours. It took me more time to choose the topic of the symposium than to make a fundamental decision whether to do it or not.


My notebook has a lot of different mosaic notes and ideas. Some are more “Symbolic”, others relate to color associations, perhaps even the theme of the virus came to my mind.


But in the end, I settled on the conceptual theme of freedom, which in my opinion is one of the main challenges for Giordano Bruno, who lived hundreds of y years ago. His steadfastness in defending freedom cost him his life.


Of course, he lived in a completely different time when the topic of fundamental freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of access to knowledge and others, was relevant for very few of thinking people in Europe. All the more significant is his self-sacrifice for us, living in our new «time of freedom», enshrined in Constitutions.

Unfortunately, these freedoms are not so unshakable in the current situation, it’s in danger. Considering the sacrifice of Giordano Bruno and comparing the dangers that awaited him and which could threaten us in terms of preserving our freedom, I thought that the theme of his determination to protect freedom, especially his own inner freedom, is very relevant


From the very beginning I understood that this topic can be complicated, especially for those who are not very familiar with Italian history and culture.


But today I can definitely say that all the mosaicists who participated in the symposium interpreted my message poetically correctly, and with the necessary pathos and trepidation spoke about the ideas of Giordano (Philippo) Bruno, his philosophical concepts, and about him as a person.


But today I can definitely say that all the mosaicists who participated in the symposium interpreted my message poetically correctly, and with the necessary pathos and trepidation spoke about the ideas of Giordano (Philippo) Bruno, his philosophical concepts, and about him as a person.


I should repeat once again, I really hope that we can see all the mosaics that the artists made during the upcoming real, not virtual exhibition!”

Virtual mosaic symposium

Электронное периодическое издание «MOSAIC REVIEW» зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия 12 апреля 2019 г. Свидетельство о регистрации Эл № ФС77-75500. Учредитель — Кучменко Андрей Николаевич, Адрес редакции – 127247, г. Москва, Коровинское шоссе, д.2а, главный редактор – Кучменко А.Н. © «MOSAIC REVIEW» Частичное или полное использование материалов разрешается только при условии ссылки и/или прямой открытой для поисковых систем гиперссылки на непосредственный адрес материала на Сайте.