
Main events of the contemporary mosaic world

The mosaic world is eventful. Exhibitions of contemporary mosaic, biennials, congresses relating to mosaics are held constantly around the world. International mosaic exhibitions attract mosaic artists from all over the world.

At the exhibitions you can see a completely different mosaic technique, which is individual for each artist. Some mosaicists work in the technique of stone mosaics, others prefer glass mosaics, someone works in the technique of classical mosaic from smalt. In most cases, contemporary mosaic artists use the mixed mosaic technique, when the artist applies all the voiced materials, without neglecting the artificial, seemingly inapplicable in mosaic art media .

In order to develop the mosaic, regular congresses and the mosaic biennale are held, where artists can personally see the mosaic works of their colleagues, discuss trends in the mosaic world, and just chat like a friends.

All the variety of mosaics can be seen at these events. 3-D mosaics, mosaics made of plastic, wood, metal – all this marks the milestones of the development of modern mosaics.

Mosaic review magazine invites you to become a spectator of the most famous events in the world of mosaics.

Maryse-Derboven - "Desire urges me on, while fear bridals"

Virtual mosaic symposium

Virtual mosaic symposium The virtual mosaic symposium finished on its virtual Facebook page. The theme…


Main events of the contemporary mosaic world

The mosaic world is eventful. Exhibitions of contemporary mosaic, biennials, congresses relating to mosaics are held constantly around the world. International mosaic exhibitions attract mosaic artists from all over the world.

At the exhibitions you can see a completely different mosaic technique, which is individual for each artist. Some mosaicists work in the technique of stone mosaics, others prefer glass mosaics, someone works in the technique of classical mosaic from smalt. In most cases, contemporary mosaic artists use the mixed mosaic technique, when the artist applies all the voiced materials, without neglecting the artificial, seemingly inapplicable in mosaic art media .

In order to develop the mosaic, regular congresses and the mosaic biennale are held, where artists can personally see the mosaic works of their colleagues, discuss trends in the mosaic world, and just chat like a friends.

All the variety of mosaics can be seen at these events. 3-D mosaics, mosaics made of plastic, wood, metal – all this marks the milestones of the development of modern mosaics.

Mosaic review magazine invites you to become a spectator of the most famous events in the world of mosaics.

Электронное периодическое издание «MOSAIC REVIEW» зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия 12 апреля 2019 г. Свидетельство о регистрации Эл № ФС77-75500. Учредитель — Кучменко Андрей Николаевич, Адрес редакции – 127247, г. Москва, Коровинское шоссе, д.2а, главный редактор – Кучменко А.Н. © «MOSAIC REVIEW» Частичное или полное использование материалов разрешается только при условии ссылки и/или прямой открытой для поисковых систем гиперссылки на непосредственный адрес материала на Сайте.